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CABE/TABE Webinar – Experiments with High-Frequency Data and Machine Learning for Macro with the Bank of Canada

October 31, 2024

We are pleased to announce the continuation of our webinar series: New Tools of the Economists’ Trade.

Our first webinar this fall profiles several Bank of Canada experiments with high-frequency economic data and machine learning for macroeconomics. Bank of Canada researchers James Fudurich, Jeff Mollins and Naveen Rai will highlight their experience with high-frequency survey and payment data, as well as developing large language models to analyze survey responses. They will share how they are deploying machine learning tools to glean new insights about the economy and extract more information from traditional data sources. They will also discuss advantages and real-world challenges of combining higher-frequency data with traditional data.


Click here to download the slides from the presentation

Fudurich_James 350X350 Senior Economist, Bank of Canada James Fuderich

James is a senior economist in the Canadian Economic Analysis department, based in the Ontario Regional Office. He conducts research and analysis on key sectors of the Ontario economy and contributes to the quarterly Business Outlook Survey.

jeff molllins Senior Economist, Bank of Canada Jeff Mollins

Jeff is a Senior Economist in the Survey and Economic Intelligence Division in the Canadian Economics Analysis Department. His work focuses on advanced analytics, data science, high-frequency data, and the impact of digitalization on productivity. He has completed his Masters in Economics from Queens University.

3504_Naveen_Rai Senior Economist, Bank of Canada Naveen Rai

Naveen Rai is a Senior Economist in the Survey and Economic Intelligence Division in the Canadian Economics Analysis Department. His work focuses on the Business Outlook Survey and researching important issues for the Canadian economy including labour markets, foreign direct investment, productivity, housing, and credit conditions. He has completed his Masters in Applied Economics and Policy Analysis from the University of Regina.

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