The Canadian Association for Business Economics (CABE) is the premier organization for economists and other business professionals interested in discussing current issues impacting the Canadian and global economy.
An overview of the early history of CABE prepared by two of the key founders, Judith Maxwell and Mike McCracken is available at this link. History of CABE
CABE is a national organization with local chapters. We host local and national events including luncheons, networking events, workshops, webinars and conferences. We also provide professional development and mentoring. CABE’s annual summer conference in Kingston, Ontario is the highlight of the calendar.
Our Mission
CABE is dedicated to the advancement of the profession of economists. We provide a forum for our members to be informed, develop skills and network.
Our Membership
CABE members include economists and other business professionals. They participate in CABE in one of two main membership classes.
National Members
National members join CABE directly and automatically become members of their local chapter, if one exists in their area. They enjoy all the privileges and benefits of membership, have voting privileges and are given a subscription to Business Economics, the journal of the National Association of Business Economics in the U.S.
As a National member, you have access to the CABE salary survey, webinars, professional development workshops/courses and a discounted rate for CABE conferences.
Full-time students and recent graduates who are not yet employed can get an associate membership of CABE for a low fee.

Local Members
Members of a local chapter enjoy the privileges and benefits offered by their local chapter at a discounted price. You also get a discounted price to access CABE webinars and professional development workshops/courses.
Most chapters offer discounted membership fees for students and recent graduates who are not yet employed. Some chapters also offer a reduced rate for retirees and corporate membership. Learn more about local chapters across Canada.

Natasha Apollonova
Evidence-Based Economic Policy Advisor and Stakeholder Engagement
CABE provides access to a great network of professional economists and policy makers across Canada. CABE brings forward the most innovative topics in economic policy in an easily digestible and fun way. I would recommend joining CABE not only to young aspiring economists but also to people who are in their mid-careers looking to meet like-minded individuals and grow professionally.

Chris Lawless
Mystic Vale Economics, former Chief Economist at British Columbia Investment Management Corporation
Over my career, belonging to CABE and APEBC helped me build and broaden my network locally and across Canada, and their events have been great for learning and strengthening those professional relationships.

Armine Yalnizyan
Inaugural Atkinson Fellow on the Future of Workers and Past-President, Canadian Association for Business Economics (2017-2019)
“CABE is a unique resource for applied economists in Canada. Stay on top of your game by learning from expert analysis on cutting-edge issues, developing professional skills, and building networks.”

Bryan Yu
Chief Economist, Central 1 Credit Union
CABE provides an exceptional forum for Canadian economists to meet their peers across the country. Personally, I have gained substantial value from these interactions in my professional work, while widening my network by volunteering on CABE’s board and committees.

Peter Hall
Vice-President and Chief Economist, Export Development Canada
One of the great value proposition for CABE has always been networking. I come to the Kingston conference every year because I know senior level of people are going to show up and you get great ideas and debates. It is like the ancient proverb, ‘iron on iron, so one person sharpens another.’ CABE and its activities do that for me.

Craig Alexander
Partner and Chief Economist, Deloitte
CABE is the premier organization for the business economists in Canada. Its conferences and events provide excellent opportunities for networking, information-sharing and professional development. It’s activities to help with the development and advancement of the next generation of economic leaders is about building for the future.

Antonia Prlic
Director, Financial Institution Regulation
BC Financial Services Authority
CABE and its Chapter affiliates bring together Canada’s economics community by connecting ideas, supporting professional development, and fostering friendships.
Find out more about opportunities that exist for our members to become a mentor or mentee.