Featuring a Panel Discussion with
Dylan Walters, Project Director, Health Economics at Nutrition International
Behnoush Amery, Unit Head, Centre for Labour Market Information at Statistics Canada
Mumtaz Ahmad, Instructor at Carleton University
Are you a student, recent graduate or young professional interested in meeting experienced economics professionals working in the National Capital Region? The Ottawa Economics Association (OEA) in partnership with the Department of Economics, Carleton University, is pleased to offer you a Career & Professional Development Event on February 9th, 2023.
This event is a unique opportunity for you to learn more and benefit from experienced professionals’ advice regarding the challenges in today’s job market. Mentors from diverse sectors in economics will engage in short presentations related to career and professional development, which will be followed by “break-out room” style question periods that allow you to connect with the mentors in smaller groups. This event will allow you to build your network and ask questions about working in an economics profession or career development.

Dylan Walters is the Project Director, Health Economics, Global Technical Services at Nutrition International based in Canada. His work focuses on leading health economics analysis (cost- effectiveness, benefit-cost analysis), the development of modelling tools, nutrition investment cases, knowledge translation of economic evidence and financing technical assistance with partners related to maternal and child health and nutrition. Dylan completed his Ph.D. with the Canadian Centre for Health Economics at the University of Toronto. His dissertation focused on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of vitamin A fortification of sunflower oil in Tanzania. He previously worked with the World Bank in Washington, D.C, where he co- authored the Global Investment Framework for Nutrition and the Investment Case for Nutrition in Afghanistan. He also led the development of the Cost of Not Breastfeeding Tool with Alive & Thrive and continued this work at Nutrition International. Prior to this, he worked at the SickKids Centre for Global Child Health, Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research, and Centre for Policy Analysis in Trade and Health. With his research team at NI, he is focused on the strategic use of applied economic research and evaluation to inform and influence policy decisions and investments into maternal and child nutrition at the district, national and global level.

Behnoush Amery is an economist who has conducted quantitative analyses on different topics over the years including labour market outcomes of graduate students and women. She received her Ph.D. specializing in Labour Economics from the University of Waterloo in 2016. She is now a Unit Head at the Centre for Labour Market Information (CLMI) of Statistics Canada. Amery previously worked for the Labour Market Information Council (LMIC) and the Ontario Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development.

Mumtaz Ahmad came to Canada in 2012 to pursue post-graduate studies in Economics. As an international student, he earned an MA and a Ph.D. from Memorial University of Newfoundland and Carleton University, respectively. His expertise and areas of research lie in Macroeconomics and International Monetary Economics. He is currently a Contract Instructor at the Economics Department at Carleton University. He is also a part-time Lecturer at Toronto Metropolitan University.
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