Mitigating the impacts of climate change will require a substantial shift in household energy consumption practices. Understanding the dynamics of household energy consumption practices is therefore critical to the study of energy system transitions.
In this session, David Foord presented lessons from sociotechnical transition studies and discussed how they might be applied to energy system modelling.

Dr. Foord is an associate professor at the University of New Brunswick. He has authored histories of the powered prosthetics industry, US carbon black industry, Canadian electric power industry and science, technology and innovation policy in Canada. He has published studies of science, technology and innovation in the electric power, biomedical engineering and carbon labelling industries. He is the recipient of the UNB Student Union Red Award for Teaching Excellence (2021), UNB Teaching Scholar Award (2022), UNB Merit Award (2022) and Faculty of Management Excellence in Research Award, 2016-2022 (2023).
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