Katherine Wagner’s paper “Adaptation and Adverse Selection in Markets for Natural Disaster Insurance” quantified frictions in uptake, tests for adverse selection and analyzes welfare effects of proposed reforms in natural disaster insurance markets:
APEBC Natural Disaster Insurance KWagner
Also included here is a companion paper that provides a non-technical overview of the related literature:
APEBC NaturalDisasterInsuranceHandbook

Katherine Wagner is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of British Columbia, where she focuses her research primarily on Environmental and Energy Economics and Public Finance. She uses a range of empirical tools to study questions related to environmental externalities, climate change, and natural resources. She is also a Research Affiliate of the CESifo Network.
Before joining UBC, Katherine was an Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. She completed her PhD in Economics at Yale University, and also holds an MA in Economics from the University of British Columbia and a BA in Economics and Accounting from McGill University.
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