This webinar provides an overview of the household sector accounts and how their income, consumption and savings relates to their accumulation of wealth as well as the interconnectedness between households and other sectors. The presentation also shows how the Distributions of Household Economic Accounts blends the macroeconomic accounts with social data to help shed light on the financial well-being and vulnerabilities of different households in Canada.

Amanda Sinclair is an Acting Assistant Director in the National Economic Accounts Division. She has over 13 years experience working at Statistics Canada and is currently responsible for the quarterly Income and Expenditure Accounts as well as the Distributions of Household Economic Accounts, among other programs. She has contributed to several international advisory committees in the areas of macroeconomic accounts and economic well-being. She has a Masters in Public Administration from Carleton University.

Matthew Hoffarth is Acting Assistant Director in the National Economic Accounts Division. He has been an economist within the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts for over 15 years where he has had the opportunity to work on many aspects of the sequence of accounts from the supply-use tables to the national balance sheet. Currently, he oversees the Financial and Wealth Accounts, which measure the wealth of all sectors of the economy and present key indicators of financial vulnerabilities. He has a Masters from Carleton University where he focused on behavioural economics and decision making.
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