The Toronto region is a highly integrated regional economy representing 25% of Canada’s economic output. Despite its success to date, the region faces a range of long-standing and new economic challenges. A more competitive talent landscape, lack of intra-regional coordination, the rise of remote work, and the growing importance of ‘quality of place’, are among the key considerations that policy makers must grapple with to help position the region for success. A ‘place-based’ approach to economic development is a unique lens that can be used to help solve for challenges in the region.
This was an in-person event with no video recording.
Download a copy of the slides in PDF format: Economic Development Priorities for a More Competitive Toronto Region

Marcy Burchfield is the Vice President of the Economic Blueprint Institute (EBI), a strategic initiative of the Toronto Region Board of Trade with a mandate of turning data into direction to influence policy.

Saad Usmani is the Director of Economic Research at EBI. Saad leads the institute’s efforts to develop data driven insights to help make Toronto region among the top globally competitive business regions. The institute’s work applies a data driven approach to solving for regional problems that intersect policy issues and require unique place-based solutions.
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