The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is a far reaching piece of legislation with a lot of different consequences for clean energy investment in Canada. If Canada doesn’t keep up, there’s a risk that flows of talent and capital could be pulled south of the border but there are also some very real opportunities for our country as well. Dale Beugin and Marisa Beck from the Canadian Climate Institute will discuss the implications of key provisions in the US legislation for clean energy investment, low carbon transition, automobiles, batteries and construction materials across Canada.
This session has been organized by Jim Whitestone.
Download the slides in PDF format: TABE Webinar – Impact of the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act for Clean Energy Investment in Canada

Dale Beugin is an expert in environmental policy and economics bridging deep technical expertise with clear communications skills. Dale has previously worked as both Executive Director and Research Director of Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission, as an independent consultant providing analysis and advice to governments and organizations across Canada and internationally, and as policy advisor with the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy. He holds a master’s degree in resource and environmental management, with a specialization in energy-economy modelling, and an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering.

Marisa Beck has extensive experience conducting and managing research on climate and energy policy, clean growth, and evidence-based decision-making. She has worked in academia, with NGOs, and in the private sector. Previously, Marisa was the Research Director at the University of Ottawa’s Institute for Science, Society and Policy and of the Positive Energy research and engagement program. Marisa holds a PhD in global governance from the University of Waterloo, a master’s degree in environmental policy, and a graduate degree in business administration.
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