In June of 2021, Canada’s Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act received Royal Assent. The Act legislates a process of increasingly stringent 5-year targets to achieve net zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050.
Vince Brescia, President & CEO of the Ontario Energy Association (OEA), will present the findings of a policy paper by the OEA on the role of Ontario’s energy system, including its electricity, natural gas and transportation fuel systems in meeting Ontario’s and Canada’s climate change objectives. Reaching Net Zero 2050 will require a major transformation of Ontario’s energy system. Understanding the magnitude of both the challenge and opportunity is a critical first step for policy makers to ensure we choose a successful and sustainable path towards the goal.
This webinar is part of TABE’s series on Canada’s Path to Net Zero
See also The Economics of Climate Change in Canada: Thinking About Mitigation, Adaptation, and Clean Growth
Download the slides in PDF format: TABE Webinar – Net Zero and Ontario’s Energy Sector

Vince has been the President and CEO of the Ontario Energy Association (OEA) since 2016. Before joining the OEA, Vince was the President of Wyse Meter solutions, a fast-growing submetering and utility expense management company. Prior to that Vince was the President and CEO of the Federation of Rental-housing Providers of Ontario (FRPO) from 2000 to 2013, a non-profit industry association representing rental housing owners and managers across Ontario.
Previously his career included senior roles with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, the Greater Toronto Home Builders Association, and Clayton Research Associates Ltd. Vince also spent a number of years working at Queen’s Park, with positions in the Ontario Ministries of Finance, Treasury Board, and Municipal Affairs and Housing.
Vince has previously served as Chair of Toronto Hydro Energy Services Inc. and on the Boards of Toronto Hydro Corporation, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and the Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations.
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