Have you ever wondered what it takes to provide high-level research and analytics expertise to parliamentarians and parliamentary committees? Join us on January 27, 2022, to hear from three professionals in the public sector sharing their experience and advice for those looking to join the economics profession. This panel event featuring experienced analysts from the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (OPBO) and the Library of Parliament is a unique opportunity for students, recent graduates, and young professionals to learn about the different kinds of work and the skills and tools required for success.

Diarra Sourang is an Advisor/Analyst with the Office of Parliamentary Budget Officer. She previously worked at the Financial Accountability Office of Ontario, TD Economics, and the Ontario Ministry of Education. Diarra has an Undergraduate degree in Accounting and Finance from CESAG Management School and an MA in Economics from Laval University. She holds the Professional Risk Manager (PRM™) Designation.

Govinda Bernier is an Advisor-Analyst at the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (OPBO). Prior to joining the OPBO, he worked as a Tax Policy Officer at the Department of Finance in the Evaluation and Research Group within the Tax Policy Branch, as a Project Manager for Invest Quebec in the Tax Measures Division, and as an economist for Emploi-Québec at the Lanaudière Regional Office. Govinda holds an MSc in economics and a BSc in economics and finance, both from the University of Quebec in Montreal.

Michaël Lambert-Racine has been an Analyst at the Library of Parliament since 2013. As a member of the Economic, Fiscal, and Monetary Policy Section, he has been providing research and analysis services to parliamentarians and parliamentary committees, such as the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. Prior to joining the Library, Michaël has worked as a Policy Analyst at the Department of Industry within the Investment, Insolvency, Competition, and Corporate Policy Directorate. Michaël holds a MSc and a BSc in economics, both from the Université de Montréal.
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