Join us on October 20, 2021 to hear from three young professionals in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors sharing their experience and advice for those looking to join the economics profession. This virtual panel event is a unique opportunity for students, recent graduates and young professionals to learn about different kinds of work that an economics background enables you to do and what entering the workforce was like for the panelists, each with a different level of education.

Cam Nguyen is a Senior Research Associate at the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC). Started as a Researcher in 2015, she has made substantial contributions to various policy research projects, program evaluations, and demonstration projects in a wide range of policy areas, including employment and skills training, adult learning, workplace training, income security, and economic integration of disadvantaged groups.
Cam has a Master of Arts in economics from Carleton University, a Master of Philosophy in International Development from Cambridge University (UK) and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Economy and Psychology from Williams College (US).

Adam is an Economic Analyst for Deloitte Canada’s Economic Advisory practice. He completed his PhD in Economics at the University of Western Ontario in August 2020. His PhD thesis focused on applying game theory to determine the value and effect of being able to read opponents in a variety of strategic settings. Adam’s career aspirations are to apply economics and game theory to provide strategic insights to a variety of industries including sports, gaming, and sustainability.

Luke is a Research Assistant at the Bank of Canada working out of the Quebec Regional Office in the Canadian Economic Analysis Department. He graduated from McGill in 2019 with a BA in Economics. Luke has previous internship experience with the Conference Board of Canada and a local NGO in Ghana focused on digital skills training for women.
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