Great uncertainty currently exists concerning the post-pandemic future of urban regions in Canada and globally. This is particularly true for urban transportation systems and the need for future major infrastructure investments. This presentation presents some propositions concerning likely near- and medium-term transportation futures. These propositions are partly projective, based on the resiliency of fundamental properties of cities and their transportation systems. They are also partly normative, in terms of what exploiting the massive disruptions that cities have experienced to “build back better” in order to address fundamental societal goals concerning economic, environmental and social sustainability.
Download the slides in PDF format: TABE Webinar – Post-Pandemic Urban Transportation

Eric Miller has been a faculty member in the Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto (UofT) since 1983, where he is currently Professor and Director of the UofT Transportation Research Institute.
He is co-author of the textbook Urban Transportation Planning: A Decision-Oriented Approach, currently in its third edition.
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