Trading in securities and other financial assets requires a supporting technological and institutional infrastructure. This infrastructure gives rise to operational risks. In the case of exchange-traded financial assets, such as stocks and futures, the infrastructure is mature and continues to adapt and evolve to benefit from technological and other developments while controlling related risks.
On the other hand, crypto assets and exchanges use a relatively new technology, and trade participants are often not covered by controls customary in securities markets thereby giving rise to sometimes very material challenges, risks and costs to investors. What are the challenges and how can they be dealt with?
The guest speakers for the webinar were Vladimir Skavysh, Sofia Priazhkina and Jacob Sharples of the Bank of Canada.

Vladimir Skavysh is a Senior Data Scientist and a creator of the Bank of Canada’s Quantum Lab for Advanced Analytics. His research interests are deep learning and quantum computing.

Sofia Priazhkina is a Principal Researcher in the Financial Stability Department at the Bank of Canada. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from Indiana University. Sofia’s current interests include banking, financial networks, payments, CBDC and fintech.

Jacob Sharples is a Data and Analytics Specialist in the Financial Stability Department at the Bank of Canada. He graduated from Western University in 2021 with a B.A. Honors Specialization in Economics and Minor in Computer Science.
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