Economists are no strangers to surveys, data collection, and statistical analysis, but only very rarely do we venture into the realm of public opinion. This is generally considered the domain of pollsters who, much like economists, are sometimes considered by observers to walk a fine line between behavioural scientist, statistician, and soothsayer. As one of Canada’s preeminent pollsters, Abacus Data CEO David Coletto will join us to discuss best practices and lessons learned in public opinion polling in Canada and elsewhere, as well as provide some insights into how Canadians are contending with the pandemic and what we can expect them to do when life starts to return to something more normal.
Download a PDF copy of the slides: The How, What and Why of Public Opinion Polling

David Coletto is CEO and a founding partner of Abacus Data a full-service market research and strategy firm based in Ottawa. With over a decade of experience in the industry, David and his partners founded Abacus over 8 years ago, and since then it has grown into one of Canada’s most respected market research firms.
David has worked with a range of organizations including the Shaw Communication, the Canadian Bankers Association, the Bank of Canada, Food & Consumer Products Canada, the CBC, the Canadian Pharmacists Association, Equal Voice, and the Dairy Farmers of Canada. He’s also one of Canada’s leading experts on generational change and millennials regularly invited to speak to groups across Canada.
He’s a foodie, a Gentle Explorer, and a political junkie who loves exploring why people think and act they way they do.
He earned a PhD in Political Science from the University of Calgary in 2010 and has a BPAPM and MA from Carleton University. He is also an adjunct professor at Carleton University.
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