TABE is pleased to invite Stephen Poloz, the former Governor of the Bank of Canada, to discuss his National Bestseller The Next Age of Uncertainty: How the World Can Adapt to a Riskier Future for its Kickoff event for the 2022-2023 Programming Year. At this event, Mr. Poloz will provide a summary of the book, and then take questions from participants. It will be moderated by Alex Ciappara, Chair & President of TABE.
The book maps out the powerful tectonic forces shaping our future and leading to increased volatility and uncertainty: an aging workforce, mounting debt, rising income inequality, technological advances, and climate change. It also provides a guide to allow readers to understand the implications of such forces on every dimension of their lives — the job market, the housing market, the investment climate, as well as government and central bank policy, and the role of the corporation within society. The Next Age of Uncertainty is an indispensable guide for those navigating the fault lines of the risky world ahead.
As a thank you, TABE has made a charitable donation to Stephen Poloz’s charity of choice: Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre.

Stephen Poloz served as Governor of the Bank of Canada from 2013 to 2020. He is currently a Special Advisor for Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP. From 2010 to 2013 he served as CEO and President of the Export Development Corporation. Raised in Oshawa, Ontario, he is a graduate of Queen’s University and holds a MA and PhD in economics from Western University.
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