Developed economies have struggled for decades to address homelessness and its underlying causes, and Canada is no exception. Many policy interventions, although well-intended, have proven ineffective and, far too often, counterproductive. At the same time, substantial research has been undertaken on evidence-based interventions which lead to better outcomes for homeless people and are more cost effective than our current approach, and these have been implemented with great success where introduced, including in Canada. To walk us through the findings of this body of work and share their professional experience are Dr. Tim Aubry and Dr. Eric Latimer, two of the leading thinkers on the effectiveness and economics of homelessness policy in Canada.
Download the slides in PDF format:
TABE Webinar Evidence Based Housing Policy
TABE Webinar Economics of Housing First

Tim Aubry, Ph.D., C.Psych. is a Full Professor in the School of Psychology and Senior Researcher at the Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services at the University of Ottawa. A community-clinical psychologist by training, his research focuses on community mental health services, homelessness, and housing. He was a Member of the National Research Team and the Co-Lead of the Moncton site in At Home / Chez Soi Demonstration Project of the Mental Health Commission of Canada. More recently, he completed a an international study of program fidelity of Housing First programs located in Europe and North America. Tim is the Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Ontario Housing First Regional Network – Community of Practice.

Eric Latimer, Ph.D., is a Research Scientist at the Douglas Research Centre and Professor, Department of Psychiatry, at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. A health economist by training, he has carried out research on mental health services and services for homeless people for more than 25 years. He has carried out multiple studies on evidence-based practices for people with severe mental illness and homeless people, including Assertive Community Treatment, supported employment, Housing First and the strengths model of case management. He was lead researcher for the Montreal site of the $ 110 million At Home/Chez soi pan-Canadian trial of Housing First, an intervention to house and support people with mental illness who have been experiencing homelessness, and the lead economist for the national study. He has also led the analysis of surveys of homeless individuals in the province of Quebec, Canada.
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