Executive directors from three of AISC’s 14 member organizations – Tourism, ICI Construction and Heath Care – present their viewpoint on current employer challenges in their sector, including labour market shifts from the past and employer needs for the future.
The Association of Industry Sector Council (AISC) is a collaboration of the 14 sector councils within Nova Scotia, who work together to address labour market issues in order to support employers in their sectors across Nova Scotia. Together, this collective represents two-thirds of employers and employees in the province. Sector Councils focus on elements of Human Resources: strategic workforce planning; labour attraction and retention; Inclusivity, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA) Initiatives; training and upskilling; and other cross-cutting, talent-centric challenges and opportunities facing industry in Nova Scotia.
AAAE Webinar 2023 06 27_Tourism
AAAE Webinar 2023 06 27_Construction
AAAE Webinar 2023 06 27 AISC Intro

Janet Everest has been the Executive Director of the Health Care Human Resource Sector Council since 2005. In addition to Nova Scotia-focused projects, Janet has provided support and expertise to Pan-Atlantic projects.

Lisa Dahr is the Director of Industry Relations and Professional Development with Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia. She is responsible for a number of programs and supports under both the TIANS and the Nova Scotia Tourism Human Resource Council (NSTHRC) umbrellas.

Trent Soholt is an Executive Director of the Nova Scotia Construction Sector Council. Trent is the Chair for the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency and the Association of Industry Sector Councils; Director for the Design & Construction Institute of Nova Scotia; and a member of the Atlantic Labour Market Information Committee.
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